Ages Served:
We serve children ages 3 through the start of a child’s kindergarten school year.
Hours of Operation/Fees:
Hours of operation are 7:00 am to 5:00 pm (Mon-Fri). Parents can enroll their children either full-time or part-time. Part-time attendance has a minimum of 4 hours per day and 2 days per week requirement. This is in addition to hours in 4K or preschool programs.
The program registration fee and hourly tuition rates are set by our advisory council in Dec for the upcoming year. Please call or see the current registrion form for our rates.
Our curriculum includes math, science, literacy, sensory, activities as well as faith-based lessons. Our daily routine is listed below, please note that the length of time and activities vary daily based on lesson plans, kids attention/mood, weather, and attendance.
- Arrival/Free Choice
- Breakfast with prayer, the last meal is served at 7:45
- Free Choice-Transition to other AM programs
- Morning Meeting
- Morning Snack
- Outside or inside gross motor/recess
- Bible time: Pastor of the church reads and interacts with children based on church scheduling needs
- Lunch with prayer
- Quiet book time while toileting and prepping for Nap/Rest -Transition to other PM programs
- Nap/rest time, non-nappers will return to quiet activities after 30 minutes of rest.
- Post nap restroom/diapering
- PM snack
- Free choice-Transition from other PM programs
- Outside or inside gross motor/recess
- Table toys-puzzles, playdough, drawing, games
- Free choice-departure
Closing Schedule:
Our center will be closed the following dates yearly (actual calendar dates will be made known with full registration materials in July):
- Labor Day
- Thanksgiving and the Friday after
- Christmas Eve and Christmas Day
- New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day
- Good Friday
- Memorial Day
- 4th of July
- 1 Floating Holiday-Determined with fall contracts
- 2 Day in August for Staff Professional Development Days
- 1 full week in the summer for floor waxing and/or other building maintenance. This week is finalized and announced by the end Dec for the following summer.
For the safety of your family and our staff, we will follow the Oregon School District decision for closing due to inclement weather (if they close due to building maintenance or other issues we will remain with our normal schedule). If the center is closed or releases early all evening meetings and or programs are also canceled.
- Closings: If the Oregon School District Closes for snow or cold, our center will also be closed.
- Delayed start: If the Oregon School District delays start we will also delay opening by the same length the district decides.
- Early release: If the district releases early we will close one hour after the district elementary schools close.
Meals Provided:
- Little Angels Early Learning Center will provide healthy breakfast (last meal served at 7:45), AM snack (served at 9:15), and PM snack (served at 2:30) to children in the child care classrooms.
- If your child is attending one of our other programs during this time, they will have their snacks in accordance with those snack rules.
- Breakfast will include 1 serving of dairy, 1 serving of fruit/vegetable, and 1 serving of grains. Snacks will include 1 serving from 2 of the following food groups: dairy, fruits or vegetables, grains, and proteins.
- Parents are responsible for sending a healthy lunch on a daily basis. This lunch must follow the following guidelines: 1 of each of the following food groups: dairy, fruits or vegetables, grains, and proteins.
- Treats (if providing enough for the entire class including staff) will be allowed for special occasions.
Childcare Room – Virtual Tour